Child & Adolescent

Problems in childhood and adolescence vary greatly. In younger children they can be about managing behaviours that are worrying or difficult. Frequently, problems associated with development can arise in early childhood when parents notice that their child may not be developing at the expected pace. Sometimes parents can notice that their young child can change a little and this can be worrying.

Problems can also occur in school that give rise to concerns about a child or young person’s learning ability. Sometimes these problems are associated with behaviour or attention and concentration difficulties. Children and adolescents can also show signs of being sad or withdrawn or overly dependent on parents.

We will listen to you and provide an assessment that is appropriate to the difficulties you describe. We will give guidance on how to manage a difficulty or where to go for further help if that is required.

Adolescents can present with a range of worries that can be helped by clinical psychology. Young people can find school a challenge and we can help identify why this is the case. Young adults often can experience mood problems that can impact on their general wellbeing. Sometimes problems associated with diagnosed conditions require therapeutic help. Where adjustment to a diagnosis is merited we can provide guidance and some therapy.

We always seek to work collaboratively with families and where appropriate, with other professionals that are involved. With adolescents, we try to work with all concerned to establish the balance between recognising the adolescents need to have independence and privacy and the parents/guardians rights and duties as the responsible adult in the young person’s life.

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