Crisis Management

crisisTragedy and unplanned events can disrupt psychological balance and wellbeing. When shock or trauma is unacknowledged, long term problems can arise for some people. Thankfully, most of us recover well from sudden and unexpected major incidents. Sometimes this is not the case.

Philemon advocates a view that a little help at an early stage can help a person to use their own resources to accelerate recovery. We strongly believe that human beings are resilient and manage many difficulties well. However, sometimes a little help can make the difference between moving on from an event or remaining affected by it over a long period.

We offer consultation and training for organisations to help prepare for crisis before it happens. This allows people acquire the knowledge and protective skills that help them to know what to do when the unexpected happens. We also provide group and individual interventions as a way to help people move beyond what has happened, learn from it and integrate the experience in a way that helps enhance the sense of self.

Philemon works with Dr Marion Gibson who heads Respond, an organisation that provides training for crisis management in Ireland and the UK. Philemon’s Dr Colm Humphries is a member of the Respond training team.

Intervention and Therapy

Consultation to Organisations

